Tuesday 27 December 2022


Participants of a Management
 training for MSME Trainers

Organizations, big and small, need a functional management, as the lead, in all plans, to identify, attract and deploy, effectually, available resources: human and material, in carrying out the arduous task of converting inputs into more valuable and useful outputs. Studies, reveal encouraging roles played by managements in boosting worker creativity, and increasing performance in the workplace: at both personal and contextual levels. 

The various roles of managements at different times, organizations and levels, include: empowerment, transformational and supportive. Effective managers have proven in diverse ways the benefits that accrue from the manager - worker exchange, in boosting worker morale and enhancing the value of resources through increased creativity, innovation and strengthening of relationships for a healthy work environment that has been recognized as a necessity for increased productivity.

The above, indicates that MSMEs, in Nigeria, most of whom, are either not in the know, do not understand or for reasons best known to them, have refused to recognize that "management" is an inescapable, indispensable and crucially essential tool, required for their operations. By this action, the MSMEs, are ignorantly, but, dangerously undoing themselves. Downplaying the importance of management, as a key component of MSME operations, threatens not just their role as economy builders, but a major derailment at building a strong, diversified, self-sufficient and self-reliant national economy. It is inimical to all meaningful efforts, targeted at tapping generously from the very rich, natural and human resource deposits, that are scattered in all 774 local government areas, in the 36 states of Nigeria. 

In view of the need to improve the bad fortune of the MSMEs, in Nigeria, and change the dwindling national economy, the MSMEs, as critical stakeholders, must redirect their activities. For this reason, they are enjoined to integrate "management" functionally, as a major component of their operations. Similarly, all other stakeholders of the economy, must give them the necessary support, required essentially for the deepening of efforts, processes and procedures, in their business operations. 

Apart from providing a clear direction, it is of note that managements serve as a common front, the lead, in projecting  the entire organization to the public, as a body, a system, with a clear objective, centered and driven by a clear principle of pulling and pushing together, in a structured, systematic and strategic manner; and focused on advancing and delivering regularly, the well intended,self-imposed mandate an organization. Adoption and application of the tenets and principles of management by MSMEs, is vital to stimulating their activities. It is crucial in guiding each MSME, to present and define herself properly, communicate her vision clearly, and clarify basic differences and fill the gaps, in meeting the stated and implied promises, associated with the arduous task of converting resource inputs into valuable outputs, and delivering the outputs efficiently to the market.

Other functional management services that the MSMEs, will enjoy extend to setting and meeting performance goals regularly, creating and maintaining very smooth and suitable work environment, and establishing impressionable impact, on the workers, customers and clients, in a manner that they occur seamlessly.

The Nigerian MSMEs, are reminded that confronting, in a systematic, strategic and objective manner, the challenges of taking maximum care of organizational resources: human and material; and obtaining from their utilization, the best possible result, are tasks that require requisite skill and competentcy on a continuous and consistent manner, in order to keep alive always, the hope of attracting and maintaining, high volume traffic (qualitative and quantitative) of old, and new buyers/clients that soon turn repeat agents. 

MSMEs product. More of this will manifest 
if more of the right things are done 

Before signing off, I wish to point out that it is not a bad idea, if after reading this piece, and given issues that attract your fancy, consideration, you find out that you do not possess what it takes to function as the lead of your own management, and you decide to religuish that role, to enable you concentrate more on doing the things you are best suited to handle, as an MSME. 

Please, note that success of MSMEs, is not driven majorly by committing 8 hours a day, Monday to Saturday, and 48 hours each week, as *many people may have led of you to believe. While, putting in many hours, surely provide some insight about the tasking nature of your call, I must state as a matter of fact that the success or otherwise MSMEs, is determined more, by the following goals: 

  • bringing other capable people on board, 
  • working consistently with them,
  • respecting and giving them their due,
  • increased length of time. Most prefered: low worker mobility, is recommended,
  • Remaining focused and committed to attaining the goals of an organization, is necessary, but more important is for the MSMEs to realize that the set goals of an organization may be different from their personal or individual goals. 
  • Carrying on diligently and celebrating the obviously stimulating accolades that accrue from MSME efforts, are no doubt expected, however, it is essential to recognize that the call as MSMEs, is frustrating, particularly, in the present Nigerian context. 
  • Even when you are in a hurry, try to remember that the antidote to frustration, is not only on how well, the outfit (you and your organization), set and meet performance goals. it covers how well the organization is at reducing the frustrations of staff; how intimate, and reliable the organization is at recognizing value and celebrating the contributions and impact of others that include your family, workers and the market: customers/clients.
  • Success as MSMEs, comes through identifying and servicing opportunities, but I must equally inform you they can be created by other people apart from the owners of business. In some cases surbodinates are the oned. 
  • sudden death, is eminent when MSMEs look down on people. Those that harbour the things waiting to be tapped or unlocked by organization, in Moses cases do not appear so.
  • uunderstand the people and their behaviour, and striving hard to knowing what an organization truly is, in the true sense of it, speak volume, and add huge value to what a particular MSMEs is, and what makes the difference between her and others.
  • Judging your efforts, on the number of hours you are personally, putting into your organization, is good, listening regularly to the verbal and non-verbal cues of those around is, too. 

The foregoing, obviously lays credence to the essential nature of management in organizations. It draws the attention of the MSMEs to fact that more skills, concentration and focus may be needed far more than they are ready to offer. The likely deduction here is that better results will be achieved, if handled by a defined structure: management.

In summary, if no other thing is achieved, a functional management will help MSMEs, to carry out basic activities that may appear very simple, but are not. Don't be deceived. The activities are: 

  • taking maximum care of the resources available to an organization,
  • obtaining the best possible result from deployment of the resources 

Resist the urge to insist on doing yourself. Engage other people, and give them their respect as deserved. When you do, you may find out that lesser hours by you, in days and weeks, have surpassed the previously held and cherished results. More heartwarming revelation of this outcome is the fact that more time is released to be spent with those that need the MSMEs more... at home. 

Remember to use the comment box to deposit your highly revered comments, and please, invite others, and make it a duty to share this content generously in other platforms.

Thanks for visiting 

Keep doing so...

By Nnabugwu Chizoba 

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